Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Homework due TBD

Reading due: London Ch. 3 (Lens) and 4 (Exposure, Sensors and Film)
Depth of Field Assignment
Select a scene to shoot. It has to have a foreground, middle ground, background. You are to shoot the same scene at your maximum aperture and each whole aperture. Let's say the maximum aperture of your camera is f3.5. You would then determine the optimal exposure using f3.5 and a shutter speed fast enough to hand hold the camera (assuming you don't have a tripod). You would take one shot at f3.5, then another at 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22, and 32 (assuming your camera stops down to 32). Of course, you have to vary your shutter speeds as you do this. If you are shooting outside on a nice day, you can likely complete the exercise using your lowest ISO (your cameras native ISO where is is most 'happy'). This will either be ISO 100 or 200. However, if you are indoors or it is late or early in the day, then you will likely have to increase your ISO at some point in order to maintain a shutter speed of 1/60 or faster as you work your way through the various apertures.
Since you will be shooting these as RAW files, you won't be able to upload these directly to Flickr (unless you have Photoshop & Bridge at home). We will take a few minutes to upload these using Bridge at the beginning of class.
Enjoy the long weekend!

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